The following is the actual article taken from The Patriot and Free Press, Cuba, NY. Published August 27, 1926
Farming Community Frightened by
Attacks of Wild Beast
The people of Klipnocky, near Canaseraga, have lately become much alarmed over the depredations of a mysterious wild animal which nightly attacks and kills sheep. Some who have seen it at a distance say it looks like a bear and others, an ape. Some believe it to be a wolf or possibly a large dog, though it is said that it attacks sheep in a different way from that of a dog. As the escape of an ape and a leopard from captivity has been reported in New Jersey recently residents fear it may be one of these animals.
Farming Community Frightened by
Attacks of Wild Beast
The people of Klipnocky, near Canaseraga, have lately become much alarmed over the depredations of a mysterious wild animal which nightly attacks and kills sheep. Some who have seen it at a distance say it looks like a bear and others, an ape. Some believe it to be a wolf or possibly a large dog, though it is said that it attacks sheep in a different way from that of a dog. As the escape of an ape and a leopard from captivity has been reported in New Jersey recently residents fear it may be one of these animals.